We offer a few types of insurance for your loans. Often times, these are very important to have on your loan. If you don’t have the money to cover the loan right now, failing to insure your loan could cost you a lot in the case of an unforeseen event.
Disability Insurance
This will insure you in the event of being unable to work due to injury, illness or other factors if you are off for 14 or more days. We will automatically make your loan payments during this period. Anyone with a job is recommended for this type of insurance.
Credit Life Insurance
This type of insurance will pay the loan off in the event of the death of the loan signer. It is recommended that this coverage be used for anyone who doesn’t have enough other Life Insurance to pay for all outstanding debt and future expenses.
Access your Credit Life Insurance through our partner, TruStage, by clicking their image.
GAP Insurance
If you didn’t put at least a 15% down payment on your vehicle, you should get GAP Insurance. The difference between the balance owed on your loan and the actual cash value of the vehicle is covered under GAP Insurance. Between the purchase and the next few years, vehicles are typically worth far less than the loan balance. This means in the event of selling the vehicle, you would owe far more than the vehicle is worth. GAP Insurance will cover this area for you.